Multifamily experts across the board think that RUBS is definitely the way to go. Forbes Real Estate Council said that it can act as another form of “other income”.
Multifamily experts across the board think that RUBS is definitely the way to go. Forbes Real Estate Council said that it can act as another form of “other income”.
Discover 5 simple ways that you can increase your property value and your NOI. With these 5 simple steps, you’ll be able to earn more and save more.
Have you ever thought about the impact of your multifamily utilities on Gen Z prospects? It’s no secret that the Gen Z generation is the target audience when it comes to finding long-term residents.
If you’re considering implementing a rubs billing system, it’s time to explore the benefits! There are a variety of positive changes that come from using ratio utility billing including quick implementation, conseriving utilities, limited fluctuation, and an increased property value, and NOI…